
Training Seminars 2-4 December 2021

In the context of the continuing education of Certified Auditors, our company organized a two-day seminar on December 2, 3 and 4, 2021.

The seminar was held online through a special platform and was attended not only by the executives of our company but also by executives of other auditing companies.READ MORE

Training Seminars 23-24 October 2020

In the context of the continuing education of Certified Auditors, our company organized a two-day seminar on October 23 and 24, 2020.

The seminar was held online through a special platform and was attended not only by the executives of our company but also by executives of other auditing companies.

Training Seminars 14-16 November 2019

In the context of the Continuing Education of Certified Auditors, our company organized a three-day seminar on various topics such as:

  • The new legislation for SA & corporate transformations
  • Corporate Transactions, Accounting & Capital Costs
  • IAS 7 Cash Flow Statement
  • Tax Audit / L.4172 / 2013 – Virtual Invoices – Usual findings in re-audit by the tax authorities


Training Seminars 8-10 November 2018

In the context of the Continuing Education of Certified Auditors, our company organized a three-day seminar on various topics such as:

  • Costing, Industrial Accounting & Cost Management Accounting, Administrative Accounting
  • IFRS – IFRS 16
  • Law 4548/2018, on Societe Anonymes and Law 4541/2018
  • VAT and Stamp Taxation